Selection based on the use of chainsawThe chain saw is a particular type of portable sawmill which is typically powered by a combustion engine. The uses of this powerful type of saw are numerous, ranging from pruning and felling of trees, the removal of diseased parts of plants to the downsizing of the foliage and cut wood, and many others. Chainsaws are therefore extremely versatile tools that are used in many fields, is that the DIY business.There are also chainsaws with particular sets of blades that can be used for the so-called chainsaw carving, the art of making sculptures with the wood, but also devices specially designed for cutting reinforced concrete. Obviously, the choice of the saw must be made on the basis of its actual needs.Invention of the chainsawThe saw is now a valuable ally for cutting jobs that were once done with hand tools such as hand saws or hatchets. The invention of this tool in fact be traced back medical sphere, and in particular the orthopedic German Bernard Heine that he developed in 1830 a device for amputation based on a chain sprocket driven by a hand wheel.The first saw-type "modern" was invented with the help of Joseph Buford Cox and especially the German engineer Andreas Stihl, the latter is a familiar name in the field, since it was to develop and patent a Stihl electric chainsaw in 1926, followed by a model with an engine in 1929. In those years, Stihl founded a company specializing in the production of these devices, which still is among the world leaders. In 1927 they entered the market even the Dolmar chainsaws, a company founded by Emil Lerp who started the mass production of gears driven by a combustion engine.The first story of the chainsaws were bulky and very heavy, which could only be operated by two operators, after the Second World War were instead developed chainsaws lighter aluminum components, operable by a single operator and easily transportable.
As has become a chainsawThere are models of chainsaw that differ in their shape, dimensions and components, but in most cases the constituent elements are represented by:
Motor unit usually is an internal combustion engine in two stages, from 30-120 cm3 volume, there are even chainsaws which operate by electricity, compressed air or hydraulic systems, but are less common and less practical because they can not be transported.
Transmission mechanism is formed typically by a crown-and-pinion system by a clutch, which transmit the motion to a cutting chain.
Chain the saw chain is formed of meshes of different type arranged in succession, which are precisely guide links, cutting and connecting. Each section is riveted a metallic element that resembles a bicycle chain, but has sharp teeth. These teeth are made of steel and have a pointed shape or curved, with both sharp edges. The chain is held under tension by a special tensioning device.
Guide bar is the carrier on which the chain slides, and its length is usually between 45 and 65 centimeters. The guide bar is provided with a chain guard that is threaded on the chain, allowing safe transport of the chain saw.
System handle the saw is hand held and operated by a handle with a special hand guard, which protects against splinters produced but also from possible damage due to sudden rupture of the chain. Some particular chain saws, such as those used for pruning, are accompanied by a coupling device that allows to fix a rope.
Accelerator is located in correspondence of the handle and serves to adjust the speed of movement of the chain.The chainsaws are also equipped with a lubrication system that automatically distributes the amount of oil on the chain necessary to ensure the flow without friction. In some models, particularly professional, there is also a device for the vibration reduction which allows a more comfortable use of the equipment and less stress at the level of arms and back.Safe use and maintenance of the chainsaw
Recommendations for the choice of the sawIn order to choose the most appropriate model of chainsaw should first focus on their usage needs, which may be "simple" (eg gardening, small pruning, cutting firewood for the fireplace or DIY), or take on a more professional.If you use it in the gardenWhen use is expected substantially "home" you should choose a model of chain saw not too powerful, so as to combine the real practical needs with the savings. Motors of an output of between 1.5 and 2 kW, with displacements between 25 and 40 cm3, are generally more than sufficient for most domestic purposes. These models are also pretty lightweight chainsaw (no more than 4-5 pounds) and operable even by people less physically-performing.If you use it for workIn case you needed a chainsaw to use more intense and sustained is essential to opt for models with a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm3, the weight of which can typically range from 5 to 10 kilograms. With such powerful chainsaws for example you can kill and dissect even large trunks.For those engaged in frequent maintenance of green pruning saws are recommended professional with a handle at the top, which provides better handling of the device and also a very good precision cutting.